Display |
PD-6207U |
Display Type |
7" TFT LCD |
Form Factor |
Standalone with pole (300 mm), 270° horizontal swivel |
Display Color |
Adjustable font and background color |
Dot Matrix/Resolution |
Up to 800 x 480 |
Characters Available |
N/A |
Character Number |
20 x 2, 20 x 4, 30 x 4 |
Multimedia Support |
JEPG graphics support |
Interface |
Tilt Angle Adjustment |
15°, 30° and 45° |
Horizontal Swivel Adjustment |
270° |
Supported Command Types |
ADM, Aedex, ESC/POS, Futaba, Noritake, UTC |
Specification |
Dimension |
222 x 188 x 471 |
Weight |
860 |
*product specifications and model configurations are subject to change and may vary by global region.