Display |
PD-340UE |
Display Type |
Form Factor |
Rear-mount |
Display Color |
Blue or green |
Dot Matrix/Resolution |
5 x 7 dots |
Characters Available |
12 international character sets |
Character Number |
20 characters x 2 lines |
Character Size |
6.0 x 9.66 |
Multimedia Support |
N/A |
Interface |
USB (True USB/Virtual COM selectable) |
Tilt Angle Adjustment |
15°, 30° and 45° |
Horizontal Swivel Adjustment |
- |
Supported Command Types |
PST (Posiflex proprietary command) & ESC/POS |
Support |
System Supported |
HS Series |
*product specifications and model configurations are subject to change and may vary by global region.